Frequently(?) Asked Questions

Last update : 13/3/2025

Where are you located?

Somewhere in some group of islands, north off the Australian peninsula. More details coming in something like the heat death of the universe I suppose...

How do you usually live life?

Why did you make this site?

Pick any of these reasoning.

How do you make this website?

For html, copy/paste a basic template (or build stuff & then save as whateverpage.html) & simply build the content in there (and maybe add more h3 and/or h4 tags depending on content) using whatever html editor available on whatever computer I'm using (Geany for GTK3(xfce) / Artix (a.k.a. T470 for now), Notepad++ for Windows, etc.) before uploading & updating the files on Neocities & Codeberg. I'm sure there are many more efficient methods out there, but this is the one I usually went for, mostly because I literally know nothing else.

As for the css, I just simply edited the original Neocities-provided style.css into the abomination it became right now. 8/7/2024 Update : I copied some of DigDeeper's ghost css into my style.css.

Here's an article from unixdigest if you'd like a longer reasoning.

No. I'd rather not fully tie this site into my life; as I'd rather do whatever I want over being indebted to anyone & having to maintain something I no longer want to maintain. If you really want to "support" me, maybe consider creating the ideal custom ROM - I'll at least give you a shout out if you do so (moreso if you collaborate with existing established Android developers, or somehow consolidate them into your ranks). Or manufacture the perfect Android device with none of today Android's shittiness (even better if the aforementioned ideal ROM is the default).

Do you even have any other accounts?

Aside from Codeberg & Neocities, not planned yet (and I don't open either unless I want to update). Deleted most of my online accounts at least a year before I started with this site (forgot exactly when or why, but I can just claim cycrim attack) & handed my SIM card (including all accounts tied to it such as WhatsApp) to Bob (at the same time he lost his personal phone) just to avoid ze 2020 doomshots.

How do you keep playing FGO when you don't use any Play Store stuff?

Lukas has set up my formerly dead A50S (with one of his spare Goolag account tied to Aurora Store) for our latest FGO APKs (and YouTube downloads as well). Solves our issue of not wanting Aurora Store (let alone anything to do with Goolag's full Play dis-Services) in our FGO-infested phones, but with a catch that if Aurora Store stops working (like in this issue for anonymous accounts), we're fucked (especially since Goolag Play Store doesn't offer FGO NA to "unsupported" nations).

21/3/2024 Update : Apparently provides the latest FGO APKs there, but I'm not sure about it for now (the most disdain I can muster at it is for Go-ogle certs & JS/XHR demand).

8/7/2024 Update : also provides FGO APKs. You don't need any JS & XHR if the APK is your only purpose - just follow the big green Download APK button & be sure it links to /downloading. 13/3/2025 Update: Now in the .xapk format, which Android does not natively open without SAI.

Any upcoming plans / roadmaps / etc.?

Meh. Let the site development be as chaotic as it is, because I update whenever I want, whenever I can, and if I even could (yunno, making ends meet & keeping some dudes off the blacklist or something like that). In fact, I couldn't look at my Codeberg's issue thread until I decided to upload stuff there.

Hey GearJail, test this (new phone from current year / old phone from the past / new custom ROM)!

Ask me before 2022 & I'd probably start researching into it before actually getting into it. But now, I'm a bit too jaded to even start researching - chances are whatever device you're asking won't have microSD, headphone jack, bootloader unlocking, or any combo (and/or all) of them; or the custom ROM you're asking is probably yet another Limbo / GApps-only crap (and/or some fake privacy ROM), so good riddance.

Between Neocities & Codeberg, which one do you prefer? Since you're on both...

At the moment, it could go either way for me. For the differences:

As for the similarities :

What about self-hosting? Since you claimed both Codeberg & Neocities sucks...

Soon™. ETA unknown. That is, if I bothered to at this point. I'm not even sure if I wanted to keep this up in the long term.

By the way, I didn't exactly claim that they suck. They are still usable for most of us, we just need to be careful when using them.

Why don't you want to keep up for the long term?

TL;DR : I just want to be done with the techspace but it refuses to allow me.

Honestly, this is probably already obvious, but just in case it isn't, I'll say it one more time. Android is getting increasingly shitty, and the custom development scene is slowly disappearing as a result (I'm pretty sure we passed the point of no return since A12?). There can be no fix to this issue unless Android development as a whole is cut off from Goolag, but our developers (a.k.a. those with the power to do so) would rather just follow Goolag & keep on re-doing everything that Goolag kept breaking instead of banding together to force a new development of Android that truly cuts off Goolag's unwritten monopoly over Android while retaining sane defaults Goolag will otherwise fuck up. And this claim came from someone who used to be in the "tech enthusiast" religion. Yunno, the same guys who blindly salivate over the "latest" technology "improvements".

In fact, here's one example of developers following Goolag & still failing miserably despite having a decent foundation & a potential to shake up Goolag's Android monopoly: /e/. All they had to do was simply make a good Android fork that implements the good stuff from future Android versions while avoiding the user-hostile ones, raise proper hell against Google & its user abuse, and maybe sell phones with those things inbuilt. But instead they made a worse Lineage-microG fork with iOS-inspired launcher, immutable default connections, and other questionable decisions; all the while being unrepentingly lagging behind in security patches.

Why use old builds?

First off, that's actually not a bad question. Part of me (particularly the one from ≤2022) would've even saw present me with curiousity, disdain, & surprise. But alas, I had my reasons, which gets listed below.

What's your political stance?

3 points, 1 sentence : Scratch my back nicely, do me no harm, or fuck off before I teach you a lesson you will never forget.

As for everything else... no comment for now, since I don't really care. Though if that puts me to something like (oh you think you're neutral? WRONG, NEUTRAL MEANS YOU STAND AGAINST US & DESERVE YOUR DESTRUCTION!) you know where you stand. In some memory wiping machine, where your memories of me will be wiped out. Or Point 3, whichever comes first.

As for the "political" theatre nowadays... apply point 2 before 3. I see none of those politicians & their lackeys personally cooking some decent food for me (let alone comply with my 3 political tenets), so why am I supposed to give them my consent and/or kowtow to their shit?

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