La Weeblist (the bloated edition)
Last update : 1/2/2024 (introducing this thing)
Here's a (probably incomplete) list of electronic entertainments (anime & games) I've played and/or watched (with some commentary). Everything on the list will be listed alphabetically (A to Z). This is the "bloated edition" of my weeblist (as seen in the <h1> tag above - if you just wanted the list maybe press back button (assuming you came from the list-only version)? Or just press this link.
- Animus : Harbinger Unpacked
A downgrade to Animus : Stand alone, it has a different weapon set and doesn't feel as smooth even on a SD860 (shit optimizations).
- Animus : Stand Alone
IRE: Blood Memory with behind-the-player-character camera, offline playability, & reshuffled bosses (maybe with some new ones).
- Battleheart
- Battleheart Legacy
I personally have no idea why Battleheart Legacy is actually newer (in release date & timeline) than the OG Battleheart while having a name that indicates it's older and/or a prequel, but whatever, as long as I get some fun out of it. My main criticism of this game is its excessively short storyline (and the irrelevance of the Cartel, though it's just a side effect of the excessively short storyline).
16/1/2023 Update : A victim of Android's moving target issues.
- Castlevania : Symphony of the Night (also available on PS1/PSX, Saturn, & PSP as collectible from Dracula X)
Just get the PS1/PSX version - Android has Play Asset Delivery dependency. Haven't tried Saturn yet (since there's no good Saturn emulator for Android AFAIK), and PSP "version" will be discussed there.
- Fate / Grand Order
- Genshin Impact
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (also available on Nintendo DS & Sony PSP; the latter has some extras)
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (also available on Windows 10 (via Steam / repackers) & Sony PS2)
- IRE : Blood Memory
- PUBG Mobile
How many developer brand changes does it take to mask the fact that Tencent is actually the ones maintaining PUBG Mobile?
- PUBG New State
Don't bother playing this shit, loading times are unacceptably bad. Latency is also unacceptable. Not to mention you lose your progress without Google / Facebook log-in (haven't tested Neo Backup there because I don't want to deal with this "game" unless necessary).
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon
Great technicalities (open source; available in GitHub releases & F-Droid in addition to Play Store), but weak gameplay (very reliant on RNG at all stages).
- Xeonjia
iOS (iPad)
Mostly old ones from the golden ages of mobile gaming (before online-only incomplete apps dependent on an app store to even work)
- Asphalt 8 (at least before Gameloft started abusing feature delivery to artificially reduce app download size)
- Chaos Rings
- Chaos Rings II
- Chaos Rings Omega
- Infinity Blade (the entire trilogy)
As much as I would like to see it on Android, I fear whoever ports it there (assuming said people uses the Play Store) would make it an online-only crap with excessive Goolag dependency. Tencent actually did it (minus the Goolag dependency as China blocks Google's ecosystem) with its Infinity Blade Saga, and it predictably failed as it shamelessly took the Infinity Blade trilogy, mashed them together, tied them to a server (which had been shut down years before I mentioned them here), and put in plenty of online-only staples such as the artificial stamina system (which limits how much someone gets to play unless he/she buys more "stamina") & a fuck ton of microtransactions.
Nintendo DS
Played with melonDS Android (and with DualSense attached as well since emulating 2 screens at once on portrait doesn't leave me with enough room for comfortable input; at least for ones that don't primarily use the touch screen).
- Cooking Mama
- Pokemon Dash
- Rune Factory 3
Nintendo Switch
Played with an actual Switch console unless mentioned. Skyline hasn't convinced me to fully commit to the emulator route with the Switch at 8/9/2023 - though Yuzu kinda came close for it for now (27/11/2023).
- Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild
- Legend of Zelda : Tears of the Kingdom
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- Megaman Zero / ZX Legacy Collection
I also personally played this on Yuzu Android with NCE. While it runs well enough (except for DualSense not being able to properly interact with 2nd screen for ZX (Advent) because right joystick wasn't registered in Yuzu), my X3P overheats to kingdom come.
- Super Mario Party
I think porting the gameplay to Skyline is not going to end well.
Sony PS1 / PSX
Played with DuckStation on Android.
- Castlevania : Symphony of the Night
Debatably the best SotN variant (on the technical side), aside from probably the voice acting & a character not fully implemented (as in not playable and/or fought at a certain part). Haven't tried out the Saturn version yet since I couldn't find its ISO (not that I wanted to since PSX version's enough for me).
- Pepsiman
Sony PS2
Played with AetherSX2 NetherSX2. I don't really have much experience with PS2 since I don't have one in my childhood (but a friend around my neighborhood had one so I visited him rather frequently back then, mostly for the games)
- Burnout 3 - Takedown
- Gran Turismo 4
- Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny - Rengou vs Z.A.F.T. II Plus
- Need For Speed: Carbon (2006)
Too short compared to Most Wanted (2005). But still - at least it has Supra RZ & Skyline R34 (the latter was missing in Most Wanted).
- Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2005) (also available on Windows)
The golden age of Need For Speed (and racing games for me), back when there are villains who we love to hate (like Razor & Cross... and maybe that Ronnie guy) & cars that are so iconic (such as the silver & blue BMW E46 M3 GTR GT) it got somewhat ported (some things may be missing, such as the bodykit & the engine sound, but it depends on the game it's on) to other racing games that could do so. Just watch out for the heat your device is going to generate from emulating NFS:MW though - not even the BlackShark BR11 kept my X3P cool enough as I play it.
- Need For Speed: Underground
- Need For Speed: Underground 2
- Street Racing Syndicate
- Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3
Ah yes, the one time I got hyped for a new computer game only for Lukas to stop me from even torrenting a copy because he'd rather wait for "more trustworthy sources".
Sony PSP
Played with PPSSPP, the PSP is where I spent my childhood gaming (as well as the DS, but emulating 2 screens on a single-screened device is questionable, especially since the bottom screen also houses the inputs) until the PSP's battery & board died, forcing me to a touchscreen that just isn't right for a game meant to be played with clickable buttons (the DualSense (or any physical controllers) mostly fixed this, but L2/R2 is not used).
- Burnout Legends
- Castlevania : Dracula X Chronicles
Also contains a fully emulated version (and with full content) of SotN (after collecting some collectible), but it lags to kingdom come.
- Gladiator Begins
Shout out to DigDeeper for recommending this.
- Gran Turismo
- Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition
- Midnight Club: LA Remix
- Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny - Rengou vs Z.A.F.T. Portable
- Need For Speed: Carbon - Own the City
Not to be confused with PS2's NFS:Carbon (2006) which features different characters including the PS2 Most Wanted protagonist (who, on a separate note, is rumored to be Ryan Cooper from NFS:Prostreet). While the game is definitely heavier than PSP Most Wanted (free roam returns, complete with a decently sized map to explore), its added weight is kinda warranted.
- Need For Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0
A massive downgrade from the PS2 Most Wanted, with several features removed, such as free roam, car impounding (which will force a player to start over if all of their cars get impounded), and a compelling character (the Blacklist no longer consist of assholes you actually want to take down, as 5-1-0 keeps only their names & nothing else - though TBH you won't care about them anyway since only a few actually talks)
- Street Supremacy
Shout out to DustinEden for introducing me to this... and Midnight Club LA Remix.
Windows 10
All of them are repacks from various sources, due to my unwillingness to bend my knee to DRM-happy game dealers such as Steam & Epic (Fuck Epic Games! Fuck them for shutting down Infinity Blade!).
- DOOM (2016)
- DOOM Eternal
DOOM, but unlimited ammo pistol swapped for more parkour & less ammo for other guns.
- Farmer's Life
- Fate/EXTELLA (Windows)
Fateverse's take on Musou games, gameplay is pretty much just beat hordes of enemies & the bosses hanging around, then rush to another sector & re-do it all until you confront the main boss.
- Fate/EXTELLA Link (Windows)
Sequel of Fate/EXTELLA, now with Servants from Fate/Extra (except for Vlad) & 2 newcomers.
- Forza Horizon 4
- Forza Horizon 5
Review currently delisted - new point of view incoming or something like that.
- Grand Theft Auto IV
Take a remodeled (for a full-on 3D) GTA:CTW map with an extra island, and feature 2 extra characters as an offline-capable extra content, each of them featuring a story that intertwines with the main character's story (instead of being together most of the time like in GTA V). Main character's endings are actually pretty sad (he loses someone precious to him one way or another), but it's unique compared to most GTA endings (aside from CTW, but the villain is close to the main character there)
- Grand Theft Auto V
Overall a downgrade from most GTA games (except for graphics, which is nice though not necessarily good), but not bad. Downgrades include the map (San Andreas is reduced from a massive map with at least 3 big cities to just one big city and some rural areas - and even then the map is still underutilized); online-only exclusive contents (the prebuilt GTA Online receives all the love, the actual offline-capable GTA V gets nothing aside from the occasional new weapon from its Online counterpart); the protagonists (except the playable character in GTA Online) are OP in their own rights (bullet time, speedbreaker, berserk mode). The game's online mode is also milked to no end by Rockstar with various platform releases.
- Love, Money, Rock 'n' Roll
- Metro Exodus
A Metro game that tries to be open-world, but got held back by its inherent closed-world progression style. 2 endings available, but all of them depends on how you treat native non-bandit hostiles of some levels you're in (slaughter more than 1 native tribe (which somehow permanently downs one of your teammates per chapter) & the bad ending is inevitable).
- Need For Speed: Heat
Pretty much NFS kinda copying Forza's racing system (with a twist on Offroad, which is actually hosted by some off-grid hackers / scrappers), but done somewhat better by including the police (who are so eager to take down racers at night that you keep your heat level until you end the night by entering one of your safehouses or get busted) - making certain events (such as street races & nighttime drift trials) riskier & more fun (also differentiating it from road races). But still - the storyline is WAY too short, limiting itself to only taking down corrupt cops who profit from the street scene (instead of taking down some asshole who cheated us to win and/or indirectly ruling the city through being the best racer there is).
- Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012)
Not to be confused with the original Most Wanted from 2005, thanks to a blatant lack of character (5-1-0 only kept the names at least), storyline, and car customizations (aside from paintjobs). Someone in YouTube called this game Burnout Most Wanted, which actually fits better.
- SAMURAI MAIDEN (Windows port)
My first foray at DS4Windows, only because the Xbox's ABXY doesn't translate well to a keyboard & mouse playstyle. (A = enter, B isn't Esc, X & Y is idunno, at least left / right mouse click = light & heavy attack respectively)
- Subnautica
- Subnautica Below Zero
- The Elder Scrolls : Skyrim (Anniversary Edition)
A vast yet shallow game.
- Witch on the Holy Night (Windows port?)
Wait... console controls on a visual novel? Hell take me.
Nasuverse (Fate, KnK, whatever)
- Fate Stay Night : Unlimited Blade Works (both DEEN & Ufotable)
- Fate Stay Night : Heaven's Feel (at this point, the entire trilogy)
- Fate Extra : Last Encore
- Carnival Phantasm
Man with blue spandex & red spear died at least 12 times, witnesses claim inhumanity.
- Fate Grand Carnival
Man with blue spandex & 3 of his brethren fell to their deaths, witnesses claim inhumanity.
- Fate Grand Order : Babylonia
- Fate Grand Order : Solomon (the movie)
- 00 (S1, S2, Trailblazer)
- Age (S1, S2, S3)
- Iron-Blooded Orphans (S1, S2)
- SEED (HD remaster)
- SEED Destiny (HD remaster)
- SEED Freedom
- See-Saw - Sarigiwa no Romantics is one helluva ending song - Lukas [I actually raised my "wine glass" for this take]
- L.Mayo & Takeshi the toll-runner clearly got involved in making this movie - Bob
- Bloody shame Bandai stopped proper MGs & doubled down on P-Bandai HGs that were mostly regular HGs - actually me, who kinda looked forward to MG Destiny (and Lukas with MG Impulse spec-II) with full polystyrene (not ABS + polycap) frame
- Witch from Mercury
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