Resurrection Remix Unofficial (starlte-12/3/2023 build) Debloat : ok (you already know what to expect from my debloats - no bluetooth & telephony like usual) Last updated : 10/2/2025 Changelog : 13/2/2025 - Random Magisk 28.1 testings. And microG too... the usual version. Honestly, I wondered why I bothered. 4/2/2025 - Initial creation - Found in - NikGApps A10 GoogleChrome addon flashed alongside ROM. nikgapps.config (if using) set to install only Trichrome & Webview - only setting WebView resulted in no usable Webview implementation. Sure, this is probably hypocritical (considering I would not usually flash any flashable GApps modules), but at the very least I get a WebView that I can update to latest whenever I needed to. And yes, you can remove Trichrome (and Chrome too, if you did not set up config file) when debloating and keep the WebView. Pre-debloat (i dunno, probably better than letting system consume too much resource for nonexistent tasks?) - traceur : settings > system > developer options > system tracing - turn all off, clear saved traces - updater : settings > system > updater > 3-dot menu > preferences - set autoupdate check to never, disable mobile data warning - cell broadcast : settings > apps & notifications > Wireless emergency alerts - disable everything /system/app BasicDreams Bluetooth BluetoothMidiService BookmarkProvider (optional) BuiltInPrintService CarrierDefaultApp CompanionDeviceManager CtsShimPrebuilt FaceUnlockService-res (optional - face unlocking) LiveWallpapersPicker NfcNci OmniJaws PrintRecommendationService PrintSpooler SimAppDialog Stk Terminal (optional) Traceur WallpaperBackup WAPPushManager /system/priv-app BlockedNumberProvider CalendarProvider (optional, required for Etar) CallLogBackup CellBroadcastReceiver ContactsProvider CtsShimPrivPrebuilt DocumentsUI > A10 LineageOS / HavocOS / BlissROMs DocumentsUI (I refuse opening recent files as soon as I open DocumentsUI) FaceUnlockService (optional - face unlocking) FastCharge (I want to mark it as optional, except the toggle it owns doesn't work in the first place - at least on my shitbar) HotwordEnrollmentOKGoogleExCORTEXM4 HotwordEnrollmentXGoogleExCORTEXM4 LineageSetupWizard ManagedProvisioning MmsService Seedvault Tag Telecom TelephonyProvider TeleService Updater /system/product/app Jelly / messaging / PhotoTable / SoundPickerPrebuilt > OpenCamera (OpenCamera : only if Snap gets nuked; else do in whatever order and/or delete unused ones) Etar > Fossify Calendar (optional, or only if Etar and/or CalendarProvider is deleted) LatinIME > SimpleKeyboard (rkkr) Recorder (optional) RRWallpapers (optional) /system/product/priv-app CarrierConfig Contacts Dialer Eleven EmergencyInfo Gallery2 Snap (Optional) StitchImage (optional) /system/app - StitchImage-res & StitchImageService /system/priv-app - StitchImage Setup QS : Immersive, Flashlight, Wi-Fi, Caffeine, Volume Panel (A10 is the last Android version to allow <=6 QS toggles at once) adb shell (or termux su) commands (scuffed edition) : settings put global captive_portal_http_url (insert http url of decent captive portal provider that's not /e/ or Go-ogle) settings put global captive_portal_https_url (insert https url of decent captive portal provider that's not /e/ or Go-ogle) settings put global captive_portal_fallback_url (insert fallback url of decent captive portal provider that's not /e/ or Go-ogle) settings put global captive_portal_other_fallback_urls (insert "other_fallback_urls" url of decent captive portal provider that's not /e/ or Go-ogle) settings put global ntp_server about:blank (or replace about:blank with any decent ntp server, such as if you need network time) settings put secure show_rotation_suggestions 0 (actually optional - Resurrection tools > Interface > Miscellaneous has a WORKING off switch - Rotation button settings) RR theming notes : RR has its own theming suite that they claim to be simpler than AOSP Styles & wallpapers - which kind of is. Except it's unnecessary, and RR kept the AOSP styles & wallpapers around. That said, in this 2023 build, at least the custom dark theme stuck around (unlike the one in V30 where I had to manually apply pitch black from Styles & wallpapers because Resurrection themes doesn't stick). Additional notes : - I used official TWRP 3.7.0_9-0 - the same TWRP that I use in A12L (before I went & added the xxTR patch). Still can't decrypt stuff (yes, even FDE is now enough to cockblock /sdcard from whoever thought they could just boot your shitbar to recovery & Strategically Transfer Equipment to Another Location your /sdcard-bound personal data)... but this time the storage is not encrypted by default - leaving you to FDE-encrypt it yourself (which you can & should do in Settings > Security > Encryption & credentials > Encrypt phone while battery is charging at >=80%). That said, TWRP refuses to wipe dalvik with FDE enabled, and throws out errors of not being able to mount storage (which doesn't matter for me since I flash stuff from external storage). - The immutable 3d "home button" is still immutable - an option allegedly existed (Settings > Resurrection tools > System > Buttons & navigation > Home button wakes device) but doesn't work. Perhaps that setting was made with older Samsung devices (like those with physical home buttons and/or fingerprint scanners) in mind... - The Bixby button's function is a bit unclear. So far, I can dismiss quick settings & volume slider; but I cannot change its behavior (yes, there is some assist button setting around the Buttons & navigation setting, but it does alter Bixby's behavior). flar2's button remapper should fix this issue, though I couldn't be bothered to test it out. - DocumentsUI open to Recents by default (which is even worse than >=A11 Downloads), so your newly added "secret" files will be shown to shoulder surfers unless placed in hidden folders, or if you use any other file managers that doesn't do this, like Havoc's DocUI (or Lineage's, or, God forbid, BlissROMs'). - I had to install Fossify Gallery as user-app as it doesn't read storage when installed in /product/app. (this was first found out in the V30, seems to be a thing in <=A10) - Boot animation is in /system/media if it needs changing. There's only 1 for that. - There is a toggle for signature spoofing (Resurrection tools > Interface > Miscellaneous > Toggle signature spoofing). MicroG works (at least to keep off the Play Services required alert FGO kept tossing around whenever Play Services of any kind were absent). - One time my back button (of 3-button navbar) disappeared as I was setting up, but switching to 2-button & reverting to 3-button (at any time - whether it was before the 3-button navbar's back button was gone or after) returned it for no reason. Unfortunately this is a common bug in RR. - There was a FastCharge /priv-app in /system, allegedly meant to control fast charging on the S9. Except the toggle was already offed without a chance of enabling it after I clean-flashed RR, and my S9 still charged regardless of the FastCharge app, so I deleted it. - The arbitrary volume limiter is absent regardless of volume level options. And SPD plays its BGMs properly as well - best of both worlds. - This RR build also provides a per-app data restriction shortcut in Settings > Privacy > Firewall. "Whoops", said the moron who just prepped AFWall+ 3690 seconds prior to discovering this (it is I, to no one's surprise). - Uninstalling an app-locked app will require you too un-applock it, else it cannot be uninstalled & will complain about an unrelated mode (device admin). Random Magisk testings - Flash Magisk 25.2 after debloating - Install 25.2 apk to overwrite stub apk - Set the device up. - Install 28.1 to overwrite 25.2 apk I could have gone straight for 28.1, but Bob reported 28.1 refusing to touch /system in my Jaguar notes. And since I had already set up in 25.2 before updating to 28.1 I did not face Bob's /system issues... yet. - Open Magisk apk & install 28.1 by Direct Install (and rebooting afterwards). Let all options (patch vbmeta & whatever else?) be toggled. In retrospect, I lost AdAway hosts (at least the root mode) in return for... a more "secure" root access (that some security fanatics will claim as "still insecure" because having control over your device is apparently "insecure"). Yes, "muh sekuritah" rolled its ugly head again. Hiding Magisk app (for them root-hating game part 1) - Go to Settings & tap on "Hide the Magisk app". You will be prompted to enable unknown app installation permission for it if you haven't enabled it. - Label it however you want & select OK - then wait until the app re-opens. I went with "Game Optimizing Service", which is a bit ironic considering it's on a Samsung shitbar (and this time this faux GOS can be simply uninstalled instead of "re-installing" itself silently after pm uninstall). MicroG testings? (featuring the Magisk 28.1 I just installed) - Install (as user app) microG (I use & FakeStore and grant both permission to spoof signature (and only storage permission for microG). - Enable Zygisk & DenyList in Magisk settings (open Magisk app & go to settings) - Reboot, if only to ensure the previous 2 (or 4 depending on how we count it) things work. - Install FGO (through SAI if split apk), but do not open for now. - Configure DenyList so FGO gets affected by it. - Open FGO. It should open, as far as I have personally experienced (with usb debugging obviously disabled). Conclusion : Downloading the S9 firmware just so I can rollback to OneUI for this RR text is hell, I tell you. is pretty much FUBAR since it couldn't properly link to the latest without doing some weird stuff (like opening developer tools in a chromium browser) & demands a premium account as soon as I managed to reach the page about the firmware, where I was supposed to be when I wanted to start downloading. sucks slightly less as I don't need any account to download it, except it comes with BlockAdBlock (which I only managed to sidestep with the club's shared tablet which lacked any protection from advertisements (and therefore a LOT of trackers) - which is a big no-no if I wanted to properly browse). seems to suck the least (only demanding 1st-party scripts, some cdn, & recaptcha + requisite cookies) but then its download speed ruined it the last time I tried it out around early January 2025. But I had to, since S9 AOSP builds with inbuilt vendors only came after A12. Anyway... is it worth it to neuter Bixby for the good old A10? I'd say it depends on stuff like: - Are you willing to go to figurative (and literal, if you refuse websites' abuse of its users like I do) hell for the firmware files? - Are you alright with running stock Samsung vendor & never being able to freely wipe it (at least without planning to go for OSV/OneUI ports and/or reflashing stock)? - Do you have a Windows computer with Odin 3 & Samsung USB driver and/or a Linux computer with Odin 4 prepared? Either way, you may also need Heimdall to flash recovery... - Do you prefer manual FDE encryption over automatic FBE encryption? Say no to either of those and I can only recommend sticking with the OSV builds (or those OneUI ports, but then you are force-rooted & decrypted, not to mention running the shebang of Samsung's bloatwares)... though I'd rather discard this shitbar than stressing out on what to do with it (especially considering mine seems to have some board issue). But then I haven't talked about the ROM... which has already been mostly discussed in my previous RR entry using joan. Except the arbitrary volume limiter is gone this time around, so there's that. And yes, I added more bloat to this note as soon as I decided to test out Magisk 28.1 here (which, spoiler alert, has been a waste of my time).