HavocOS v3.11 Unofficial (joan-28/11/2020 build) Debloat : OK Last updated : 9/12/2024 Changelog : 9/12/2024 - Initial creation - One more last shot for the best DAC. Yes, this IS the last shot. - NikGApps A10 GoogleChrome addon flashed alongside ROM. nikgapps.config (if using) set to install only Trichrome & Webview - only setting WebView resulted in no usable Webview implementation. Sure, this is probably hypocritical (considering I would not usually flash any flashable GApps modules), but at the very least I get a WebView that I can update to latest whenever I needed to. And yes, you can remove Trichrome (and Chrome too, if you did not set up config file) when debloating and keep the WebView. - Termux works, as expected of older Android. Therefore it can be considered an alternative to adb shell. - Ainur Narsil mod installed using Magisk 25.2 apk - installing through TWRP returns error 123. - bruh kernel v2 from Telegram flashed before Magisk : flashing ok, boots (4.4.218-bruh_2.0+). Pre-debloat (i dunno, probably better than letting system consume too much resource for nonexistent tasks?) - traceur : settings > system > developer options > system tracing - turn all off, clear saved traces - cell broadcast : settings > apps & notifications > Wireless emergency alerts - disable everything /system/apex com.android.apex.cts.shim.apex /system/app Bluetooth BluetoothMidiService BookmarkProvider (optional) Browser BuiltInPrintService CarrierDefaultApp CompanionDeviceManager CtsShimPrebuilt FaceUnlockService-res FM2 LiveWallpapersPicker NfcNci PrintRecommendationService PrintSpooler QtiTelephonyService SimAppDialog Stk Traceur WallpaperBackup WAPPushManager /system/priv-app BlockedNumberProvider CalendarProvider (optional) CallLogBackup CellBroadcastReceiver CNEService ContactsProvider CtsShimPrivPrebuilt FaceUnlockService HotwordEnrollmentOKGoogleHEXAGON HotwordEnrollmentXGoogleHEXAGON ManagedProvisioning MmsService MusicFX qcrilmsgtunnel Snap (optional) Tag Telecom TelephonyProvider TeleService WfdService /system/product/app GalleryGoPrebuilt / messaging > Fossify Calendar / OpenCamera (OpenCamera : only if Snap gets nuked; else do in whatever order and/or delete unused ones) LatinIME > SimpleKeyboard (rkkr) PixelThemesStub2019 (optional? anyway, disabled using Settings for now...) TrichromeLibrary TrichromeLibrary-Stub /system/product/priv-app CarrierConfig Contacts Dialer EmergencyInfo OPScreenRecorder (optional) Provision /system/vendor /app/ims /etc/cne Setup QS : Flashlight, Smart Pixels, Quad DAC, Ring (long-press to volume panel), Caffeine adb shell (or termux su) commands (scuffed edition) : settings put global captive_portal_http_url (insert http url of decent captive portal provider that's not /e/ or Go-ogle) settings put global captive_portal_https_url (insert https url of decent captive portal provider that's not /e/ or Go-ogle) settings put global captive_portal_fallback_url (insert fallback url of decent captive portal provider that's not /e/ or Go-ogle) settings put global captive_portal_other_fallback_urls (insert "other_fallback_urls" url of decent captive portal provider that's not /e/ or Go-ogle) settings put global ntp_server about:blank (or replace about:blank with any decent ntp server, such as pool.ntp.org if you need network time) settings put secure show_rotation_suggestions 0 (considered necessary as Havoc lacks a toggle for the rotation suggestions button) The curse of LG V30 - Before LineageOS 18.1 20220721 by lifehackerhansol, all builds after October 2020 are on SELinux Permissive due to ShapeShifter499's V30 unification which allowed H932 to work with other H930 builds (at least that's how I remember it, but I dunno). However, after that LineageOS build (or is it some earlier build?), ROMs don't properly keep time on reboot until A13 build 20230117; but at this point I decided to just back off into A10 for the good old times. Don't even ask me on A14 & higher - it seems to be a shitshow there, with lifehackerhansol leading the remaining V30 developers chasing Sisyphean masochism in its most Herculean forms by continuously attempting to port the latest Android crap up the V30, even if issues pop up everywhere. - Encryption in V30 only worked with stock ROMs & never on AOSP, as the V30's implementation is incompatible with AOSP (both FBE & FDE). And if you ever tried to FDE-encrypt the V30 (any time it was possible, such as in this HavocOS build), system will not be bootable & you have to format data & reflash all over again. Yes, this does mean anyone with physical access will have no barrier to impede their access to your files and even has the ability to force you to reflash. - Hardware method to boot to recovery is hackier than most devices - press power & vol-down until rebooted; spam power button once LG logo appears while keeping vol-down pressed until a screen about wiping appears; and "wipe" storage just to access TWRP, which seems to hijack the "wipe" command. Additional notes : - I used lifehackerhansol's latest TWRP 3.7.0_9-0, which does flash this HavocOS build with no issues I can note, aside from Ainur Narsil not flashing there (I went to Magisk to install it). - DocumentsUI does not open to Recents by default. And I used this DocUI to replace RR's - which does rush to Recents once opened. - Boot animation is in /system/media if it needs changing. There's only 1 bootanimation.zip for that. - The arbitrary volume alert is present for >=33% headphone volume, but only on >=30 step volume (22% on 45-step). On 15-step, the alert was absent, but you go from "a bit too quiet, 1 more volume step?" to "TOO FUCKING LOUD BY 3 FUCKING STEPS!!!" in 1 volume up click. But then again, the V30 had the Quad DAC & its settings so you can probably tweak the AVC volume to find the "goldilocks" volume zone. Shattered Pixel Dungeon BGMs do play, so there's that. - Signature spoofing is innately supported, except I didn't test out for this one. - SoundPickerPrebuilt is hard-coded as the default picker for ringtones & stuff. I deleted it, but then I get force-closed back to the main Settings menu every time I tried to pick a new sound. Conclusion : Yes, this is me backpedaling from RR into something a bit more obsolete - but with a bit of good memories too. And while playing with hotter fires because I also flashed a kernel meant for A11 on A10. That said, I actually preferred Havoc over RR, as everything is simpler there (except for soundpicker & kernel). Sure, I don't have custom navbar icons, but I don't have to re-add a missing back button. Themes are all it was supposed to be, through Styles & Wallpapers. Unfortunately not all is good - the arbitrary volume alert is really arbitrary on this one - not active on the extremely imprecise 15-step, but activates at a level barely loud enough for even earphones on 30-step & higher. And yes, this applied to RR as well (which is why I did not mention it on my RR notes), but this is not why I ended up choosing Havoc.