Artix (XFCE) personal use app list

Last updated : 7/11/2023 (incomplete, will require additions)

- Introduction -

Gallery | Ristretto

Video | Mpv

Music | Quod Libet

Text / source code editor | Geany | Mousepad | Nano

Document reader | MuPDF

Browser | Pale Moon

File manager | Thunar



This article is to list out the apps that I use in Artix, with XFCE DE.

General things that are considered important for the apps I use :

Some nice to haves for the apps I use :


XFCE's default image viewer.


Honorable mentions :


A simple (and extremely minimalist) video player that can also play music if the files are opened in the file manager. Not to be confused with monkeypox, despite what some search engines would claim in 2022. Available in galaxy, although the link still directs to perl for some reason at the time of writing (15/12/2023).


Currently looking for another music app aside from Quod Libet, even though I couldn't care less.

Quod Libet

Not available in world / galaxy Artix repositories.

Text / source code editor

Mentions :


A fast & lightweight integrated development environment. Restores tabs between sessions & supports tab scrolling (where scrolling changes the active tab instead of browsing through visible tabs - browsing through visible tab is better but at least here's better than nothing). Comes only with bright theme by default, though you can always try to copy/paste alternate themes to /home/username/.config/geany/colorschemes (or even make your own... which makes Geany's color customization basically unlimited). Both geany & geany-plugins are available in world repo, so you don't have to add Arch repos for this.


XFCE's default text (and code) editor. Restores tabs between sessions (might require setting session restore to always in Preferences > File), but lacks tab scrolling. Mousepad also keeps unsaved buffers, which can be neat. Available in world.


A text editor for the terminal. As someone who primarily uses the GUI, I won't be using this all that often (aside from some one-time configurations on installing Artix). But then again, I'm not the general audience for terminal-only apps... including Vim (but then again that one is a lifestyle).

Document reader


1st-party JS & XHR required to view site.


Honorable mentions :

Pale Moon (palemoon-bin / palemoon-gtk3-bin)

Requires usage of AUR (but not any other optional repositories), as seen on AUR-based installation guide.

File manager


XFCE's default file manager. Requires gvfs to automatically deal with removeable storages.

Other stuff

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