Regarding COVID

Last update : 30/8/2022

- Introduction -

- Masks -

- Vaccine -

- The Virus -

- Other criticisms -

- COVID in a nutshell -

- Additional resources -


Since this "pandemic" & the bullshit that came with it has gone on for a bit too long, let me just speak the fuck up about it.

Disclaimer : I am not a doctor, just another person excessively frustrated with the "pandemic" & the gov mandates from it. However, there are actual medical workers that disagrees with some of the mandates, some even getting fired and/or censored for it.


First off - and the easiest, here's my opinion about masks :


For the vaccine meant to solve the "pandemic" (and why I won't take it for as long as I could) :

The Virus

Here's a few things I believe should be known about the "deadly" COVID :

Other criticisms

Stuff that may not generally apply to this pandemic but still ties in with it :

COVID in a nutshell

Additional resources

Because the politicization of this "pandemic", of course the topic is big & deep. All of these resources are non-exhaustive, meaning there will be more that I didn't link here.

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