Blog log - 2023/1

Last update : 25/5/2023


Welp. Cancelling indefinite suspension of site development. I might not want to do Android stuff anymore (especially once A14 drops), so don't expect updates on that one.

By the way, shout out to Narsil for opening the pages' 1st issue (which is fixed by now) which addresses his move from GitLab & Jorgu81 ID. Many thanks for all that you do!


With a stressed heart, I announce that I am indefinitely suspending all development of this site, all thanks to Android being a shit platform (that keeps getting shittier by the day, month, trimester, & year) & my increasing unwillingness to experiment with newer Android. I could have pivoted to other tech, but at this point I just wanted something that works for me, in my image; and getting there wasn't fun anymore. So, yeah. I'm out. 25/5/2023 update : Disregard this, GearJail's back.


Since this is April Fools, might as well make some potentially foolish article about the perfect phone.

Got a fucked-up (dead display, old battery) XZ1 (but at least bootloader's unlocked; presumably G8341), which is unfortunately beyond repair (fitting if either (and/or both of) me / Bob am pranked for today). So far, here's my first impression:


OK, if you're reading this blogpost you've probably seen some updates on some Android pages, despite me promising to no longer update them (or you didn't notice any Android page updates, so in that case you now know). Welp, I'll be really clear here : A13 will be the last Android version I'm touching, and even then, I will not daily drive it; unlike A12. Starting with A14 & beyond, I'm permanently done with Android; and I will no longer create and/or update all Android content, except for my personal app list and/or rants.

As a result of this change, if anyone would like to maintain those pages (or add it to their site), feel free to do so.

To close this blogpost, we're now live in Codeberg.


Randomly browsed /r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH & found out I got featured there, so thanks for the exposure guys! Though just keep in mind that I'm pretty much the only guy maintaining this site & my time for the site got really cut by work & Fate/GO grinding, so I won't be able to update the site as often as I would like to. Either way, here's yet another list of my personal life changelogs:

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