Just like Stallman to have an anti-glossary for words he reject using, so will shall I have one.
Accepting two contradictory beliefs as truth. That said, some doublethink (particularly 1984's most notorious 3 : war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength) could be better mentioned as "supportive opposites", as argued by Koshka.
Taking from minitruth, it meant one of these 3 things:
I would rather label #1 as irresponsible narcotics consumption, at least for tobacco. Especially considering most processed tobacco consumers (cigar(ette), vape) have a tendency to be disgusting & irresponsible assholes (at least where I live, but I sometimes encounter these creatures in some of my trips).
I may sometimes call Wikipedia "minitruth" in honor of the 1984 reference DigDeeper took for his linked article.